Home English Version „Living water“ – the miracle of Bosnek

„Living water“ – the miracle of Bosnek

by Sunrising Life

Now we will tell you about an ordinary sunny Sunday, slightly sour at times by the gentle half, but at the same time beautiful and smiling. The weather was ideal for a stroll somewhere in the fresh air outside noise of the city. So we decided to go to the village Bosnek. It is located in western slopes of Vitosha mountain. About 40km from the capital, and in particular to the famous natural phenomenon „Living Water“. Bosnek brings its glory because of the longest cave in Bulgaria „Duhlata“ which is located approximately 3km.

Just before we entered the village we were greeted by his oldest resident – 600-year-old oak. He has impressive size, which could not ignore. Well, some of us decided to embrace it, while others just sat and enjoyed. To escape even for a few hours of the dynamics of the city and immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature is irreplaceable. Breathe air that you don’t see too it seems incredible experience – that, of course, is a joke.

Our interest in the place was attracted by the stories we heard about the natural phenomenon. According to them, the water stops when the front of the fountain stands a negative person. This quirky spring is mentioned in the travel notes of Ottoman traveler – Evliya Celebi in the distant the XII century. It gives the fountain called „fountain of happiness.“

We are happy people, but our interest was attracted by hints of mystery that surrounds this place. We were curious to see if we have managed to clean anything dirty, or we have left the world back to sprinkle us with mud.

People go to the „Living Water“ in search of healing their pain.

Others seeking spiritual purification, third to please the curiosity. We went to breathe fresh air, work out in the beautiful Sunday. We give each other a couple hours without technology.

We arrived in the village and decided to go to the source of „Living Water“ with wheels. We left the car, got on the wheel and left. We left – just we – two wheels, two smiles, four eyes and infinite tranquility and pleasure that we are in nature. And alongside us, there were – a blue sky, bright path, beautiful green lawn, trees are green and everything around us and Vitosha’s snowy slopes in the distance.

Let's take a rest

Let’s take a rest

By „living water“ we got on a nice trail, which is suitable even for people who are not used to mountain walking. The trail is well marked and it is about 5km. The duration of the walk, depending on the pace varies from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. We came about half an hour by a local we had to wear the wheels because there were water and mud.

When we reached the coveted goal the water flowed. During the whole time, we were there didn’t stop running. I couldn’t imagine that there is a possibility to stop. We were pleased and happy, but it turned out that we aren’t sinners. We had managed to clean dirt, which invariably inundated every person living today.

Our return was quick. Rushing the wind in our ears, and we were left all thoughts and just enjoyed. Once we arrived in the village we decided to continue our trip with wheels. We cycled a few kilometers of the route of Vitosha 100. We passed through the entrance of the „Duhlata“ cave and finished on a bridge located immediately downstream of the village.

Time progressed and we wanted to finish this beautiful day properly – somewhere high, with the setting sun. We came back, left wheels and ran to a nearby hill, whose peak we can put the last touch of saturated by experiences the day. Literally rushed – after fifteen kilometers cycling was time for running.

We ran up shortly after the hill and then went to the mountain walking quickly to catch the sun right in his heyday. We arrived, sat in the high and stared into that flaming candle. Our minds were empty. Our souls filled with emotions. Our eyes with tears caused by reflections. How small piece we are, people amid all this natural miracle that happens every single day.

Sunset above Bosnek

Sunset above Bosnek

We waited for the huge glowing orb to hide in the distance and went down the hill. Slightly tired, but happy.

So our ordinary Sunday is transformed into an extraordinary adventure. Definitely, if you ever have time for walking and wonder where you can stop – go to the village Bosnek. Enjoy the tranquility at the foot of Vitosha Mountain.

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