Home English Version 10 day wheat regime of Deunov

10 day wheat regime of Deunov

by Sunrising Life

Maybe some of you have heard about Peter Deunov. He is Bulgarian philosopher and spiritual teacher. For me, he is a spiritual leader and one of my favorite teachers. Moreover, he has many lectures, energy practices and he is also famous with the world known Paneurhythmy. I think for now that’s enough for Him. Lets continue with some information for the grain regime.

No matter how careful you are in choosing your food you need to know that your body needs a rest from time to time. That means that you have to make some regimes for detoxification and purifying. One of those regimes is a wheat regime of Deunov.

The grain of wheat is the emblem of the human soul and life.

Diet of grain represents a ten-day diet that aims to purify your mind, spirit, and body. It also helps to feel more energetic and vital. When I first make this diet I’ve been looking for information for a long time. So that provoked me to write an article with everything I’ve read and thing to be helpful and useful to those of you who want to make this regime. Yes, I prefer to name it a regime, not diet because for me diet is permanently and consciously limitation. The regime is something that you made for not such long period and it’s again personal choice.

I have made that choice because I realize that I need to purify my mind and body and to become more humbled.

This regime is carried out in the decay of the moon. The diet respects the moon phases and corresponds to the energies that each single day carries. It is recommended to start one to three days after the full moon. But you can also make it while the moon is increasing. The difference between increasing and decreasing moon is the purpose that prompted you to make the regime.

The day of the week you start the regime is important too. There are all days with the meaning and purpose:

1.Monday – to achieve softness, sensuality, insight and intuition
2.Tuesday – to create a strength and fighting spirit
3.Wednesday – for business, trade analysis
4.Thursday – for education and realization of scientific goals
5.Friday – for more intimate purposes
6.Saturday – for wisdom and patience
7.Sunday – for arts, sport, friendship, romance, travel

If you start in the morning is excellent, if you start at noon is very good and in the evening is well. You should know that morning after sunrise has the most solar energy.

What you need during the wheat regime

For 10 days you can daily consume:

  • 100 g wheat – 3 portions with 33.3g
  • 3 apples – 1 apple
  • 9 walnut
  • 50 g honey

The wheat contains all the elements necessary to sustain life. Apples are for the heart, walnuts are for the brain and honey is for the blood. You should drink more than 1.5 l water per day. You can also drink water with lemon when you wake up but it’s better if you can skip the lemon during the regime.

Product for the wheat regime

Product for the wheat regime

Preparation of the wheat

Each night put 100 g of wheat in a thermos. Pour 2 cups of boiling water in and seal. In the morning, open the thermos and divide the wheat to 3 portions. You can drink the water of wheat with honey and lemon or to water the flowers with it. It is better to eat the wheat without honey or walnut but if you can’t it is ok to mix them.

The first day in the morning you should start with words “God, admit me in the hospital of nature for 10 days”.

When you eat the wheat you should chew slowly, at least 99 times before you swallow it. Also, you should be grateful for having this meal. Observe your emotions and try to clear your mind and thoughts. That’s the idea. It doesn’t matter if you are eating only wheat for 10 days when your mind is not clear. You need to be responsible for you thoughts and to be humble. Observe the rule that Deunov has given us – to have our meals with love and gratitude. During the regime don’t throw out the scraps of food – nutshells and apple cores. Collect them and when the diet is over, bury them in a pure place close to nature.

During these days you should smile often and should not admit any negative thought, feeling or act. Deunov says: „The way one eats, defines what kind of a person he is mentally and spiritually. The process of eating is a sacred act, which should be treated with all due seriousness.“

Diet ending meal

On the 10th day, you should add to your meal “Angel’s soup” – peeled red potatoes, parsley, lemon juice, ground pepper and a little salt. Eat a little of this for lunch and dinner. You shouldn’t overeat during the days after the diet.

Some advice:
  • If you are doing the regime for first time – don’t push yourself. It doesn’t matter if you do it with for 10 days or for 2 if it’s with anger in your heart.
  • Think positive all the time.
  • Be thankful and happy because you are doing it for yourself.
  • You can read some of Deunov lectures during your regime. It will help you to become more humble.
  • It is better to use Bio wheat. I prefer spelled.
  • The regime is not suitable for people with some health problems so they should consult with a specialist.

God wants us to live long and happy lives, and we have put ourselves in slavery through the diseases. In order to get well, you must take not of the following: believe that light has an absolute power to heal all diseases, believe that air has an absolute power to heal all diseases, believe that water has an absolute power to heal all diseases, believe that food has an absolute power to heal all diseases, because of God’s presence in them.

Peter Deunov

So make your choice to be happy, healthy and take care of your spirit, body, and mind.

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